Welcome to Marist Alumni ..........
Marist Alumni has grown out of the August 15, 1944 cooperative
initiative by representatives of 11 Marist Brothers schools in
Australia, who came together to form a Federation. The first
meeting of delegates was held on September 19, 1944. A
provisional executive consisting of the President, T. A. Herbert
(Darlinghurst); Vice-President, J. G. Stephenson (Kogarah) and
Hon. Secretary, J. T. Byrne (Nth. Sydney) was appointed and
these officers together with Messrs. J. P. Vale (St. Joseph's
College) and R. K. O'Sullivan (Randwick) were commissioned to
prepare a draft constitution to submit to a general meeting of
the Federation. One year later, the Federation was
fully-functional. It continued into the post-war era with an
agenda to encourage the formation of Old Boys' Unions at each of
the Marist Brothers' schools with a view to promoting the
exchange of ideas on moral and social issues confronting
Today's world
The primary focus of Marist Alumni in today's world is promulgate the Word of Christ through love. In the face of terrorism on a global scale, we still seek to demonstrate that our focus is to promote love among humankind, across all cultures.
In pursuit of that ideal, Marist Solidarity and Marist Alumni are supporting
Children's Manifesto" (TCM),
a statement of rights by children, for children.
Points of reference:
Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat https://www.maristassociation.org.au/
Marist Solidarity https://www.maristbr.com/solidarity
Marist Solidarity - Australia https://www.australianmaristsolidarity.net.au/
Marist Alumni - Spanish www.maristaalumni.org
Marist Darlinghurst OBU www.mbhsdarlinghurst.org
Marist Connect www.maristconnect.marist.edu
The Children's Manifesto LINK
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